Tarsakallak School Winter Olympic Games!
If you thought the Winter Olympics in South Korea were exciting, you should have been to the Tarsakallak School Winter Olympic Games! The event lasted two weeks (February 12 to 23, 2018), complete with an open ceremony where each class introduced the country they created and displayed their class flag.
The school focused on the value of resilience and determination by encouraging students to try new sports and activities at school. “It’s a great way to build school spirit, team work and resilience” said Lianne Heslop, teacher at Tarsakallak School.
The event included various activities such as bobsled, cross-country skiing, 1- and 2-leg high kick, speed skating and hockey. The students really enjoyed being active, competitive and challenged. “We wanted to reward all students who showed great perseverance and determination during the two weeks,” said Lianne.
After all that hard work and competition, the Games ended with a closing ceremony, where students were presented with medals and applause for their hard work. You can find more pictures of the Winter Olympics on the Tarsakallak Facebook page.