The Council of Commissioners Announces a Historic Step Towards Achieving Equal Working Conditions for All Its Unionized Teachers

Montreal, Qc. (March 17, 2022) – In the context of the negotiation for the renewal of the 2015-2020 collective agreements for all its unionized employees, Kativik Ilisarniliriniq has reached a landmark agreement in principle with the union representing its teachers. The content of the agreement in principle will have to be ratified by the members of this union.
“For the past 20 years, Kativik Ilisarniliriniq has tried to eliminate disparities in the working conditions of its unionized employees. Today, we reached an agreement in principle, which includes a set of unprecedented administrative measures that were introduced by management. It’s a historic moment for the Nunavik education sector” said Mme. Sarah Aloupa, President of Kativik Ilisarniliriniq.
A range of benefits is provided for in the collective agreements of teachers, among which a cashable food transportation allowance. The administrative measures introduced by Kativik Ilisarniliriniq are complementary and will benefit employees recruited in Nunavik. They feature a retention premium, transportation benefits (outings) and a housing allowance for locally hired staff. Recurrent funding has been secured for these administrative measures.
“The Council of Commissioners wants to acknowledge the relentless work of Director General Harriet Keleutak and her team, who continued work initiated in 2016 by former Director General Annie Popert and the Council of Commissioners. Their persistent efforts led to the successful negotiation of sustainable funding to back offers that Kativik Ilisarniliriniq has sought to bring at the bargaining table for many, many years,” Mme. Aloupa added.
In addition, Kativik Ilisarniliriniq approved a revised and renewed Protocol of Agreement with the Ministère de l’Éducation and the Treasury Board Secretariat, which guides the work of the Management negotiating committee for the Kativik School Board during collective agreement negotiations. The new protocol replaces a 1986 protocol that had been last renewed in 1991. Furthermore, it includes a differentiated financial framework that will ensure funding for administrative measures related to the retention and attraction of Kativik Ilisarniliriniq’s employees.
When approving the new Protocol of Agreement, the Council of Commissioners also resolved to discontinue all proceedings related to the litigation case filed before the Quebec Superior Court in 2016.
“Kativik Ilisarniliriniq continues to address its specific needs as an organization, and to establish priorities related to the working conditions and the retention of its employees. The Council of Commissioners is confident that the rights enshrined in the 1975 James Bay and Northern Quebec Agreement (17.0.68) will be upheld during the next round of collective agreement negotiations expected to begin this year,” declared Mme. Aloupa.
“Negotiations are still on-going with the with the unions representing our support staff and professionals. We are hopeful that a mutually satisfying agreement will also be reached with them in the coming days,” Mme. Aloupa added.
About us:
Kativik Ilisarniliriniq, the school board of Nunavik, was created in 1975, under the James Bay and Northern Quebec Agreement (JBNQA). Since 1978, it has been the exclusive provider of educational services to all Nunavik residents. Under the JBNQA, the school board also acts as an institution with unique powers and jurisdiction geared towards the protection and development of the Inuit language, culture, and way of life, through the delivery of tailored educational services and programs. The education programs developed by the school board are offered in all schools of the 14 Nunavik communities, in Inuktitut as first language and in French and English as second languages. The school board operates 17 primary and secondary schools as well as 6 adult education centres. For more information, visit
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For information:
Jade Duchesneau-Bernier
Communications Coordinator
514 797-8220