Are you interested in continuing your education, or know someone who may be interested in this information? Here are some deadlines to keep in mind.
Are you 16 years of age or more and would like to get your Secondary School Diploma while living in Nunavik? You can enroll at any time. Study at a distance or at one of our Adult Education Centres.
Are you interested in a CEGEP or university program: application deadlines are November 1 for the Winter semester and March 1 for the Fall semester. Browse these programs here. And don’t forget to also apply for the school board’s sponsorship program!
Are you a teacher or professional working with Nunavik youth or adults? Here are some inspiring role models! Check out what some alumni have to say in these YouTube videos.
Are you more into job-specific technical training? Do you have a student who would be a good fit for a trade? Check out the vocational training programs offered in Nunavik. A weekly allowance, daycare and housing support or lodging at student residences are available for students.
Keep in mind that you can also access the school board’s Post-Secondary Sponsorship Program if you are interested in a vocational training program that is only offered outside Nunavik. Browse these programs here.
Get in touch!
For more information about getting your Secondary School Diploma or studying in Nunavik, contact Simata Manning: 1-800-361-2244, ext. 355 | Messenger: KIadulted
For more information about studying outside Nunavik and accessing the Post-Secondary Sponsorship Program, contact Phebe Bentley: 514-457-1178, ext. 231 | Messenger: KIpostsec