Social Integration

Social Integration<br>Services

Since its creation in 2019, the program has contributed to a strong improvement in the day-to-day life management, communication, interpersonal, and instrumental math skills of students.

ATSU ALOGBLETO Social Integration Teacher
Social Integration<br>Services

leads to :

Local certificate of completion

Skills for community integration

The Social Integration Program

The program supports students’ active participation in the community. Experiential learning increases their autonomy and life skills.

Interested in developing your potential?

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The Social Integration program is offered in the following communities:

Our Social Integration program is designed for adult learners with intellectual, psychological, social or physical difficulties.

The program follows the core curriculum set by the Ministry of Education (MEQ) and focuses on the areas of education, health, communication, and work.

Students who could benefit from the Social Integration program have experienced or continue to experience:

  • Significant and persistent learning difficulties;
  • Mild to moderate intellectual disabilities;
  • ASD (Autism Spectrum Disorder);
  • Mental health disorders or difficulties;
  • Loss of autonomy with physical disability(ies) or disorder(s);
  • Intellectual disabilities;
  • Difficulties adjusting in school or out of school;
  • Head trauma;
  • Aphasia.

Admission requirements

Requirements for students:

  • be 16 years of age or older by June 30 of the current year to be eligible for adult education training;
  • be willing to participate in group activities;
  • be able to sustain attention for independent tasks;
  • be autonomous in terms of day-to-day activities (eating, using the washroom, hand washing);
  • not require one-on-one supervision.